Probability of internal oceans for investigated exoplanets. The color bar shows the probability that each planet has an internal reservoir of liquid water. Red color means high probability, but planets with dark blue circles are less likely to have oceans inside. The HZ, shown as a green band for illustration only, was calculated based on stellar parameters from a theoretical stellar evolution model. — astro-ph.EP
The study looked into the interiors of rocky exoplanets to identify planets that may contain large amounts of water.
We modeled the interiors of 28 rocky exoplanets by assuming four different layers: an iron core, a rocky mantle, a high-pressure ice layer, and a surface ice/water layer. . Due to observational bias, our study is limited to habitable zone exoplanets.
We determined a range of possible water mass fractions for each planet that are consistent with the modeled planetary structure. We calculated the tidal heating that these exoplanets experience through gravitational interactions with their host stars, assuming a temperature- and composition-dependent Maxwellian viscoelastic rheology. We also calculated the radioactive heat flux inside the planet, assuming the abundance of radioactive elements observed in solar system meteorites. We estimated the probability that these planets have thick ocean layers, taking into account the effects of both tidal and radiation heating.
Our results indicate that Proxima Centauri b, Ross 128 b, Teagarden b and c, GJ 1061 c and d, and TRAPPIST-1 e may have extended liquid water reservoirs. was shown. Furthermore, the extremely high H2O content of the exoplanets Kepler-62 F, Kepler-1652 B, Kepler-452 B, and Kepler-442 B suggests that these planets may maintain water vapor atmospheres and may actually have larger It suggests that this may be an example from the oceanic world. . If new rocky exoplanets are discovered beyond the habitable zone, our research may extend to icy worlds.
Adam Boldog, Vera Dobos, Laszlo L. Kiss, Marijn van der Perk, Amy C. Bahr
Comments: 13 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables.Recognized in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Subject: Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP)
Quote: arXiv:2312.01893 [astro-ph.EP] (or arXiv:2312.01893v1 [astro-ph.EP] for this version)
Post history
Posted by: Adam Boldog
[v1] Monday, December 4, 2023 13:47:14 UTC (2,476 KB)
Astrobiology, astrochemistry