Approximately 6,000 children across Algoma may not have been vaccinated or their records may not have been updated.Children may be suspended from school, but may also be exempted.
Algoma Public Health is working with parents to ensure children attending schools in the Sault and Algoma districts meet Ontario’s immunization requirements. Immunization method for school students.
Approximately 6,000 students in Sault and Algoma districts may not have been vaccinated at school or have not updated their current vaccination records with Algoma Public Health, APH announced via social media post. did.
Parents or guardians who receive a letter from APH regarding their child’s delayed immunizations are encouraged to take the time to update their records or schedule an immunization appointment.
The vaccines required to attend school in Ontario are: Vaccination method for school students The targets are:
- Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio (available in combination vaccine)
- Measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox (combined vaccine available)
- Meningococcal disease (12 months to 12 years)
- Chickenpox (for children born after 2010)
Parents with children who need vaccines have three options:
- If you have a healthcare worker, please make an appointment directly with them for any required vaccines. After making your appointment, please submit your vaccination records to APH. You can email a photo of your vaccine record to her APH. Please make sure your email message includes your child’s full name and date of birth.
- If you don’t have a health care provider, visit your local walk-in clinic.
- Please call the APH vaccination phone number at 705-759-5409 or toll-free at 1-866-892-0172 (ext.). 5409
It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to report their child’s immunizations to Algoma Public Health.
Some health care providers’ offices report your child’s immunizations, but you are not required to do so.
Under Ontario law, students who do not have all required immunizations can be suspended from school, but parents can apply for exemptions for their children for medical or religious reasons.
More information about child immunizations in Ontario can be found at: APH website.