Horoscope if today is your birthday
Take some time on your birthday to reflect on the past 12 months and appreciate how far you’ve come. You may be only a year older, but you are wise beyond your years when it comes to understanding life and making the most of it.
Aries (March 21st to April 20th):
Are you making the most of your talents? No matter what victories you have achieved in this year that is now coming to an end, you will be the first to admit that you could have done more. Make a plan, make it big, and surprise the world with your hunger for success.
Taurus (April 21st – May 21st):
You may not be very enthusiastic about what you have to work on this weekend, but if you do it to the best of your ability, the rewards that come at the beginning of 2024 will be infinitely more rewarding. So please try.
Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st):
The message of the stars this last weekend of the year is that you can relax. In fact, the universe wants you to slow down and enjoy the moment. Take your foot off the gas and relax a little, at least for now.
Cancer (June 22nd – July 23rd):
You may be very vulnerable to criticism, and negative comments from friends may push you emotionally this weekend. That’s not the best way to end the year, so pull yourself together, believe in yourself, and ignore what others say about you.
Leo (July 24th to August 23rd):
You seem to understand in your head that some of the people you work with are plotting against you, but that’s simply not true. Just because they’re competitive doesn’t mean they’re out to get you. Maybe they see you the same way.
Virgo (August 24th – September 23rd):
Stop trying to control every aspect of your life and allow events to guide you in the direction the universe wants you to go. Your life is unfolding according to some grand cosmic design, so why work so hard when you don’t have to?
Libra (September 24th – October 23rd):
Over the next 48 hours, the softer, gentler side of your nature will emerge and you will help those in need, no questions asked. Doing good things for others makes you feel good not only about yourself but about life in general.
Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd):
When Jupiter ends its retrograde period in the partnership area of your chart this weekend, you’ll find it easier to trust others at home and at work. When someone approaches you with a proposal, you have to listen to them. It may change your life.
Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st):
Keep your mundane tasks to a minimum this weekend, because the more you try, the less likely you are to achieve them. Instead, reflect on this year with your family and friends and celebrate all the good times you had together in 2023.
Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th):
You seem to be in an unusually generous mood right now, perhaps because it’s the end of the year and you don’t have the energy to do anything big. Don’t let your guard down too much as others may try to deceive you.
Aquarius (January 21st to February 19th):
This weekend, you’ll become surprisingly open to another perspective – one that’s not quite like yours – and one of those perspectives will take you in a new and potentially beneficial direction. It may prompt you to think. It’s like seeing with new eyes.
Pisces (February 20th – March 20th):
What happens this weekend will bring us to a satisfying end to the old year and set us up for a great start to 2024. Never doubt that the universe is on your side, and never doubt that your life is, always has been, and always will be on an upward curve. .
To learn more about yourself, sallybrompton.com