BC residents should get both COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations: Pharmacist
Influenza vaccination coverage across Canada increased from 39 per cent in 2021-2022 to 43 per cent in 2022-2023, according to a Statistics Canada report.
The report also states that vaccination rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels.
“There’s certainly an increased awareness of vaccinations right now, especially with regard to COVID-19. So I think people are recognizing that there are benefits to vaccination,” said Victoria Pharmacy’s said owner Dr. John Forster Kuhl.
“I also think they understand that there are two main reasons to get vaccinated: One is for yourself, but more importantly, you don’t want to get sick and spread it everywhere. Like, it’s for someone else. So I think people are becoming more socially aware of the fact that vaccination has a range of benefits beyond just protecting against disease.”
Although vaccination levels are increasing, older people remain the most vaccinated group, at 74%.
“Older people die from influenza infection, especially if they have a significant amount of comorbidity or are in a closed environment such as a nursing home or assisted living facility. Targeting this population is therefore very important. It’s important,” Forster-Cole said.
The report also noted that 30% of adults received a COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as a flu shot. Mr. Forster-Coul recommended this at his pharmacy because it is his one-stop shop.
“It’s completely up to the population whether they want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as well, but we’re doing a lot of vaccinations for influenza as well as vaccination for COVID-19. ” said the doctor.
Forsterkohl added that part of the problem with people not getting the vaccine is that they are administered separately.
“Then people are less likely to go out of their way to get a second bottle,” he says.
StatsCan also found that within Canada, the most common reason 47% of people got a flu shot was to prevent infection, while 21% said the most common reason they didn’t get a flu shot. reported difficulty getting around. in addition.
Also read: Groups protesting mandatory medical vaccines rally outside British Columbia Parliament