The first shot of the trade war between the United States and Canada was fired.
Experts say that President Donald Trump is seriously and seriously merged over 25 % of the planned tariffs.
Customs duties are one. It is painful and destructive, but experts agree that their duties alone will not submit Canada economy and political facilities.
Before taking office, Trump threatened to use “economic forces” to become a union’s 51st state in Canada.
To do so, you need to be forced at a completely different level than what was released on Saturday. This is usually made for American enemies, in contrast to allies.
What is the full -fledged economic war? Consider sanctions, imports and exports restrictions, trading, and theft of intellectual property.
While rejection of tariffs on US consumers, Trump has recently revealed that the United States believes in the United States without Canadian products such as cars and milk.
He referring to the border, saying, “If you remove the artificially drawn line.” [U.S.] National security. “
President Donald Trump again outlaws the problem in Canada on Tuesday, quoting concerns about Canadian troops, claiming that the United States has subsidized the Canadian economy. He used military power in Canada to exclude, and when he returned to an elliptical office, he would rely on “economic power.”
Cooling the national security experts and historians into bones, especially those that have soaked in the long -standing American beliefs in the country, that is, the concepts known as manifestine, is shocking. It is a rhetoric.
On January 27, the Waterloo University’s International Governance Innovation Center (CIGI) launched the Canadian Economic War Project.
Raquel Garbers, the Pentagon of CIGI, has generally said that economic attacks were the essential first stage of the full -fledged war between the state and Canada. How, advanced economy.
Most of the research on projects has so far focused on economic forced China, which China has often turned to Canada.
However, the results of the survey can also be useful as a warning bell of the twist of screws that can tighten the Trump administration when trying to absorb Canada.
Gerber said that he needed to pay attention and pay attention to signs of escalation.
“There is no doubt that we are being bullied,” she said. “Is that an economic war? I haven’t answered it, but it’s not that I can’t reach it.”
In contrast, Garber’s ability is partially possible by the law that forced society as a whole to act effectively as the skills of the Chinese military and the Intelligence report. I mentioned.
“I can’t imagine that it is happening in the United States,” she said.

The Trump administration is looking at ways to enrich the US Treasury and reconstruct the country’s tax system completely through the entry of the Trump. However, Garbers said that Canada would find himself on the cross line for his current relative economic, political, and social weakness.
Washington has not been overlooked in Washington, which integrates high taxation, reduced productivity, affordable prices, current migration of federal leadership, and floods of new immigrants.
“Trump can smell weak like all bully, and the sad story is that we are weak, right?” Gerber said.
But is there something deeper at work than a simple corporate trader onteroid mentality in which Trump is embodied?
On Friday, he wrapped around the reporters, the Golden Economy in the United States, the monopoly of the company shakes and the gap between income inequality until the first half of the 19th and early 20th century until World War I, the late 19th and early 20th century. He said.
Trump evokes the “fate of the manifest” while inauguration
In his recent inauguration speech, Trump has called his fate of the manifesto and outlines his vision on the purpose of American extensions. This is the future, including the integration of Canada, the acquisition of Greenland, and the collection of the Panama Canal.
Kevin Brashette, a professor at the Royal University of Canada, Kevin Brashette has been an extraordinary United States since the Revolutionary War, and the concept that God wanted to expand the boundaries of its rule. I have stated.
Common languages (mostly in most cases), borders’ bonds, shared history, and in some cases, the same value creates blind spots for Americans.
“I think Americans are almost natural, which is almost natural and not necessarily need for war,” he said.
Similarly, Brashette said that the Canadians did not understand that the threat of the United States’s annexation promoted politics and policy decisions in the mid -19th century and late 19th century. Fear was waved after the Mexican American War in 1848 after the annexation of the United States in 1845.
At the end of the US match in 1865, these fears were restored. The following year, Ireland’s rebels, known as Phenians, actually invaded a colonial colony in two points.
At the same time, a bill to the attached letter Canada was introduced by the US Congress.

Brushette, who is still swaying from the massacre of the abandoned IN and the Civil War, said that he had no desire to expand north and died without voting for bills.
However, death was cast, and Canadian political leaders chose the coalition in 1867.
In the aftermath of the Political Union, the fortress of the border built by the British has been improved and large -scale militia has been created.
By 1870, the Canadian government purchased the land and northwest area of the Rupert from the Hudson Bay company, expanded the borders of the new country to the west, and ahead of the United States’ claims to the region.
Manitova was created in 1870, and British Colombia was added as state in 1871.
Ten years later, the Canadian Pacific Railway was built.
In some form, Bra Shet said that it was all for the US Manifest Destiny Movement.
Most Canadians’ reflective reactions to Trump’s 51st state’s oceans have even rejected them or laughing at them.
“It’s difficult to feel how serious the Americans are about this, but here we think Canadians are weak and we don’t always counterattack.”
The Minister of the Federation is hitting the Washington door and trying to convince parliamentary costs of tariffs in the two countries.
Brashette states that the story should be expanded to compete with the merit’s rhetoric, and that absorbing Canada has more problems than worth it. Ta. Integration is a costly exercise for American taxpayers.
“I think it would be our good political strategy to remember those costs,” said Bra Shet.