Expectations were growing on Wednesday in the Syrian capital Damascus. Armed Al Shala, who led the overthrow of the long -standing dictators, Bashal Al Assad, has the first speech to the general public since the rebel coalition seized power almost two months ago. It was expected.
But the speech never came. Instead, a series of very important decisions from the state news agencies were announced. The coalition, led by Alshala, declared him during the transition period, disabled the constitution, and disbanded the exiled parliament and the army.
Some Syrians celebrated the presentation, but others were wary of how the decision was made and that Alshala would not talk directly to the Syrian people.
The declaration has controlled the formation of a new nation in Alshala’s hands for the foreseeable future. His union did not tell you how long this transition period would last, and it was not clear whether his appointment has a wide range of support for his diverse FACT other than his union.
“This is a very concentrated, authoritative top -down approach,” said Dr. Salam, a former lecturer at Syria, a free university in Berlin. “The progressive Syrian and others are really worried about their roles and participation in this new state,” she added. “I feel that they are left in all of these decisions.” “They say a temporary president, the migration period, but how long is this period?”
In recent weeks, Alshala has been on criticism of not doing a single speech to deal with the Syrian mass since the coalition gained power in early December. In the meantime, however, the new leadership announced the rapid increase in meetings between Alshala and diplomat visits.
Leadership announced an important decision on Wednesday -criticized his personal meetings with other rebel groups in the Presidential Palace. The conference was particularly lacking in the dried landslide, which effectively controls most of Kurdo Milk, which controls Southwest Syria and the northeast.
The Union did not disclose information about which faction FACT existed in the meeting or the process that appointed Alshala.
A few weeks after his rebellion coalition was washed away by the capital, Damascus, Alshala and his allies talked about a drastic vision for Syria’s new state. Activists, intellectuals, and social leaders, including people from the opposition, are invited to support the construction of the caretaker government. A comprehensive committee creates a new constitution. The election will be held. Freedom of speech is suppressed.
The rhetoric was welcomed by many people in Syria, which had been dominated by the Asad family for over 50 years. However, over time, euphoria began to burn.
Alice Moof Venue, a member of the Syrian negotiations committee, a Syrian opposition group’s umbrella organization, states: However, she added that Alshala should guarantee that the Syrian people would not establish a “new dull politics”.
Colonel Hassan Abdul Gani, a spokesman of the provisional government’s military operations, has announced that all Syrian militia will be dissolved and integrated into the state on Wednesday. However, it was unknown how the rebel, a rebel -in -law, who did not exist and refused to abandon his skills so far, would respond to his duties.
Some militia had previously refused to dissolve fighters and integrate them into a new army.
Damascus blame the declaration on Wednesday, and Alshala explains his vision to his country during the transition period, or clarifies his caretaker, to make his caretaker. The government accused him of missing the opportunity to create trust.
“It was expected that he would be announced as a transitional president, but the method of being done, and some political actors were excluded at the expense of political capital. I did it, “said Ibrahim Al Asil, a assistant professor of Syria’s political science. At the University of George Wasington, who returned to Damascus after the collapse of the Assad government.
“I don’t think it’s a game changer,” he added. “But it was a step that people worried about what would come.”
REHAM MOURSHED has contributed to the report.