While some certainly welcomed Monday’s doctrinal declaration as a sign of progress, other Canadian Catholics see the document as solidifying the church’s existing positions.
TORONTO — Frank Testin was hopeful when he heard Pope Francis would allow priests to bless same-sex couples. He thought this was a small step towards LGBTQ+ acceptance in the Roman Catholic Church.
Then he read what the Vatican actually said.
Testin, 73, who married her husband 13 years ago, said: “It says that the union that LGBT people have with their partners can’t be compared to marriage in any way. I find that really offensive.” Told.
“It’s really a punch to the stomach.”
While some have certainly hailed Monday’s doctrinal declaration as a sign of progress, other Canadian Catholics believe the document overshadows the Church’s existing position that same-sex romantic relationships are less important than opposite-sex romantic relationships. considered to be solid.
Ms. Testin, a Toronto resident who grew up Catholic and still attends monthly Mass, said she was “critical of LGBTQ members, members of the church who are in or want to be in relationships.” “There are harsh and unloving comments being written.”
A document from the Vatican’s Secretariat for the Doctrine of the Faith reaffirms the position that marriage is between a man and a woman, but priests may also consider “couples in irregular situations” or “couples of the same sex” in some situations. It is said that it can be blessed.
The document emphasizes that blessings should in no way resemble the sacrament of marriage. They cannot even use set rituals or accompany wedding-appropriate attire and gestures. The document says it should be voluntary and should not occur during or even “in conjunction with” Citizens United ceremonies.
This is unfortunate for Testin. He feels it is insignificant.
“It’s like sitting down with a priest you meet on the street and deciding to have lunch with him,” he says. “You ask the priest to bless the food.”
For 40 years, Testin has been a member and current president of Dignity Canada, a group of Catholics advocating for an update to the church’s stance on sexual minorities.
Testin said there is a gap between the church’s position and the actual experience of practicing and retired Catholics, and the Vatican should work to close that gap.
For some, this latest statement is proof that the Vatican is doing just that.
“The Pope’s move is an invitation to invite people in the community, rather than push them to the margins of the Catholic Church,” said John Jacob, secretary of the LGBTQ-Friendly Ministry. strange.
“Meeting LGBT Catholics where they are is certainly an important step.”
It’s difficult to say how large the LGBTQ+ Catholic population is, but Jacob said between 50 and 100 people come to All Inclusive Ministries’ monthly Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Toronto. .
“It is difficult to estimate what it will look like nationally, but the number of people who will be affected by this move by the Vatican and the Pope is by no means insignificant,” he said.
The Pope’s new position comes amid reports of growing anti-LGBTQ+ hatred. According to Statistics Canada, there were 186 suspected hate crimes related to sexual orientation reported to Canadian police in 2018. In 2022, the last year for which data is available, he had 491 cases.
Jacob said he hoped people would view this doctrinal declaration as an invitation.
“Insofar as the Vatican’s news ultimately reaches LGBT people, I hope it will be a ray of hope for them,” he said. “Not only are they being noticed and recognized, but they are also being told that they are actually welcomed by the Pope.”
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 20, 2023.
Nicole Thompson, Canadian Press