dredging An expansion is in the works that will take players to Pale Reachoffers “a journey through icy canyons, tracing the paths of long-forgotten expeditions and revealing the fate of those who once ventured there.”
This expansion adds 11 new fish and crabs, their abnormal versions, and new fish types to the game. To access the entire new polar biome, players will need to upgrade their ships with specialized equipment to break through impassable icebergs. Watch the trailer below.
Naturally, new mysteries will be unraveled about the historical betrayal that took place here and the “looming darkness” that threatens the Pale Reach.
Additionally, a new feature has been added that preserves the freshness of prey for longer, allowing players to increase the number of in-game days before fish spoils.
Developer Black Salt Games was elated to bring the Glacier expansion to the game. Because it was he one of the original ideas of the team. dredgingzone.
“Creating an ice biome was something we considered when we first designed it. dredgingHowever, given the story we wanted to tell and the time required to create the game, we felt other biomes were better,” said producer Nadia Thorne. Post to PlayStation Blog.
“After launch, it became the most requested new biome by players, with the community wondering what it would be like and even creating fan art inspired by it.” I am happy to be able to make this a reality.”
NME Gave dredging The reviewer gave it 3 out of 5 stars and claimed that the supernatural excitement of exploration gradually wears off as the game gets longer.
“This combination of far more successful narrative adventure games and simulation elements with dull skill-based navigation creates an experience that is both engaging and draining,” said Nick Ruben.
Pale Reach It will be introduced to all versions of the game on November 16th. dredging is currently available for PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

In other gaming news, Sony provided credit monitoring and identity recovery services to 6,791 employees affected by a hack that exposed personal identifying information and social security numbers.