Immigration Minister Mark Miller said Friday that the Liberal caucus’ attempt to force Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign is “the most passive-aggressive thing I’ve ever seen.”
Miller told host Marcy Marcusa on CBC. information radio MPs who signed the letter calling for Trudeau’s replacement are “obligated” to personally inform the prime minister.
“If they’re afraid, that’s a reflection on themselves and their own leadership in the community,” he says.
Multiple media outlets, including the CBC, reported that Liberal MPs will submit a letter signed by members of the party’s caucus calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to resign from leadership in the coming days.
Prime Minister Trudeau has repeatedly said he intends to lead the Liberal Party into the next election.
Miller called the argument for Trudeau’s ouster “weak” and said the MPs involved “look terribly entitled and will be worried about their future.”
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Mark Miller told CBC News that MPs who have concerns about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership should address them face-to-face.
The Immigration Minister said the caucus should focus on the “bigger threat” that lies ahead – “sleepwalking”. [Conservative Leader] Pierre Poièvre will win” — something he said some members of the Liberal Party are currently doing.
Prime Minister Trudeau: “Okay. [the Liberal MPs] Miller added that Trudeau “fundamentally cares about this country and is going to fight on every front.”
Sources said nearly 30 members of parliament have signed a letter calling for a change in leadership. CBC News first reported on the document last week.
A separate letter that some Liberal MPs may submit to Trudeau before Wednesday’s caucus meeting was being finalized in the coming days over the weekend.
Those involved in the signature-gathering effort believe there are other MPs who have not signed the document, but they plan to publicly call for Trudeau’s resignation at Wednesday’s Liberal caucus meeting. said.
These sources point to congressmen like Sean Casey. power and politics On Tuesday, host David Cochrane argued that Trudeau should leave. The Charlottetown MP said he was not part of any organized effort to oust the premier.
Vandal, Freeland and Joly express loyalty to Prime Minister
On Friday, Cabinet members including Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and MP Dan Vandal continued to voice their support for Trudeau, who announced on Thursday that he would not seek re-election.
“This is not a loss of confidence in our party or in our prime minister,” Vandal said at a news conference in Winnipeg on Friday. “I’m sure the polls will get tougher as time goes on, but I think it would be foolish to vote against the Liberal Party.”
Freeland said at the same news conference that he has “full support” of Trudeau as government and Liberal leader.
“We will have a wide range of opinions in our caucus, just like any other caucus,” she said. “I am absolutely confident that the vast majority of caucus members support the Prime Minister.”
On Friday in Montreal, Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly told a news conference that the prime minister “can count on my loyalty.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland responded to a question about Liberal MPs calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign as party leader.