The Vatican called for a constant monitoring of artificial intelligence on Tuesday and warned of the possibility of the “evil shadow” of technology.
A new document aiming to give advice to Catholic people, and the church warns that this technology should be used to complement human intelligence “rather than rewriting its richness.” 。 This document was approved by Pope Francis. He repeatedly warns that the application of artificial intelligence should be based on ethical and moral considerations.
“The shadows of evil are approaching here in all areas called humans to make decisions,” Vatican said in a paper. “The moral evaluation of this technology needs to take into account how it is directed and used.”
This paper is “integration of many existing materials that have developed organically over the last time”, and utilizes the past statements and works of Francis to see the influence of AI, education, war, and work. Rev. Paul said. TIGHE, one of the people who worked on it. The paper was written for six months by the Vatican team in consultation with various experts, including AI experts.
Father TiGhe, a spokesman of the Ministry of Bunka Education, is trying to understand that it is a human being in a sense that it is a human being.
The paper warns the possibility of AI that destroys the trust of society built to spread the incorrect information. “The fake media generated in AI can gradually damage the foundation of society,” says the document. “This problem requires cautious regulations, especially because incorrect information can be created unintentionally through AI control or affected media.
“Such a wide deception is not a trivial problem. It collides to the core of mankind and dismantles the basics of society being built.”
It accused the children of the “harmful sense of isolation” and “specific tasks” that AI can be generated. “
This document quoted the concern that the Pope could use it to make the Pope’s “Technoclato paradigm” advanced. This is a belief that world issues can be solved only by technical means. “Technology development, which does not improve the lives of everyone, but creates or worsens conflicts with inequality, is not called true progress,” quoted Francis in 2024. The document has stated. Day of the world of peace。
In terms of work, this document says, “The goal should not be more and more to be replaced by human jobs. This is harmful to humanity.” “Cog” is never done. As AI spreads, it is a top priority for the international community.
The paper also repeated concerns about the use of technology in a remote control weapon that “the perception of devastation has declined” and bringing a “even more cold and isolated approach to the huge tragedy of war.”
The paper warned of “concentration of power in the mainstream AI application in the hands of several powerful companies.” These companies stated that they can exercise as if they were invaded and create mechanisms for conscience and democratic processes. ” Quote the 2019 documentation By Francis.
Francis has been raising concerns about AI about AI last week in the political, economic and business leader of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. And in the group of seven conferences in Italy last year, Francis told the world’s leaders, and AI is “a true cognitive industrial revolution that contributes to the creation of a new social system, which is characterized by complicated epic conversion.” I talked.
This month, the Vatican was released Documents with guidelines Adjust the application to use AI on your own wall.