Apple has announced two new Mac laptops. His MacBook Air model, powered by the M3 processor, is available almost immediately. This was surprisingly fast. An updated Air model is expected, with the latest rumors predicting an announcement as early as this week. However, today’s announcement is the earliest possible.
Latest articles from Bloomberg’s Mark Garman power on newsletter Yesterday, he only said that “Apple’s marketing team is preparing to make an announcement relatively soon.”
The following details were announced: Available to order now.
Two new MacBook Air models now include M3
MacBook Air 13-inch and 15-inch models have been updated with the latest M3 processor, increasing speed and power without increasing price by a penny. That means the 13-inch starts at $1,099 and the 15-inch Air starts at $1,299. UK pricing is even better. The M2 models were priced at £1,149 and £1,399 respectively, but they’re both now actually cheaper at £1,099 and £1,299.
This means the new model has the same M3 processor as the entry-level MacBook Pro 14-inch. Suddenly, the Air’s price becomes more and more attractive. The 13-inch model costs $500 less, and the Air, which has a larger screen than the 14-inch Pro, costs $300 less.
Apple says the new model is up to 60% faster than a comparable model with the M1 processor (there was no previous 15-inch model with the M1). Apple makes this comparison not just because it sounds better, but because most users considering a replacement are likely using his M1 Air, or the Intel-powered Air.
Other differences include support for two external displays, faster downloads when the laptop lid is closed, and Air with M3 features Wi-Fi 6E for up to twice the download speeds of the previous generation. One example is the fact that we have realized the following.
What about the pros?
Of course, there are many other differences in the Pro. These include larger entry-level storage (512GB versus 256GB on the Air), a display with mini-LED backlighting, a brighter display with an adaptive refresh rate, and a studio-quality microphone array. , HDMI port and SD card slot. Still, the addition of the M3 chip makes the Air very attractive.
The design is the same as the successor model. This isn’t surprising since the 15-inch Air was only announced last October, so its design is still brand new.
Goodbye MacBook Air (M1)
Its design differs from the MacBook Air, which has an M1 processor. He still looks good, but it’s been over 5 years since he first appeared. It was first announced in October 2018 in New York and was powered by an Intel processor.
Therefore, it is no wonder that the previous design is now obsolete. This was the lowest priced model ($999, £999 in the UK), but I would argue that the M2 model was better value even before today.
Instead, Apple will release the latest design MacBook Air, but with the M2 processor and the old price, $999 or £999 in the UK. This is only available with a 13-inch display.
Release date and availability
The new MacBook Air 13-inch and 15-inch are available for pre-order starting today and will be available this weekend on Friday, March 8th.
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